Questions to Ask Your Property Manager in Brisbane, Queensland

If you’re a property owner in Brisbane, Queensland, getting help from a property management company can be a valuable investment to ensure your property is well-maintained, your tenants are satisfied, and your rental income is maximised.

Choosing the right property manager for your investment property can significantly impact your experience as a landlord. To ensure optimal returns, it is crucial that your property receives excellent management. Selecting an unsuitable agency could lead to serious consequences such as high rental arrears, inadequate property maintenance, and extended vacancy periods, all of which can severely diminish your investment’s profitability.

It is crucial to choose a property manager with a dedicated property management department, staffed by trained experts, to avoid potential pitfalls. However, finding the right property manager requires asking the right questions. Here are some crucial questions to ask your prospective property manager to make an informed decision.

Questions to ask your property manager - Emily Williams, Calibre Real Estate

1. What is Your Experience in Property Management?

Experience matters significantly in property management. Ask how long they have been managing properties, particularly in Brisbane. Having a senior property manager with extensive experience can provide a single point of contact, accurate information, and personalised service. Local experience of the property management company is crucial as it ensures the property manager is familiar with Brisbane’s rental market, local laws, and neighbourhood specifics. In addition to the duration of their experience, enquire about the types of properties and how many properties they manage. There should be a dedicated property management department. Are property managers experienced with residential, commercial, or a mix of both? Their track record with properties similar to yours can provide reassurance of their capabilities.

How Do You Determine the Rental Value of a Property? - Instant Rental Property Appraisal

2. How Do You Determine the Rental Value of a Property?

Understanding how the property manager evaluates rental prices can give you confidence that your property will be competitively priced. Enquire about the factors they consider, such as market trends, property features, and local demand. Property management software can help in analysing market trends and setting competitive rental prices. Ask the property manager to provide examples of how they have adjusted rental prices in response to market changes. This will give you insight into their ability to adapt and optimise your rental income. Furthermore, request a comparative market analysis (CMA) to see how your property stacks up against others in the area.

What Marketing Strategies Do You Use to Attract Tenants?

3. What Marketing Strategies Do You Use to Attract Tenants?

Effective marketing is essential for minimising vacancies. Ask about the platforms they use (e.g., online listings, social media, traditional advertising), and how they create compelling property listings. A proactive approach in marketing can lead to faster tenant placements by attracting prospective tenants through effective marketing strategies. Delve deeper by asking how they target specific demographics and what unique selling points they highlight to attract high-quality tenants. Also, enquire about the average time it takes them to fill a vacancy and their strategy for off-peak seasons when tenant demand might be lower.

How Do You Screen Potential Tenants?

4. How Do You Screen Potential Tenants?

Tenant screening is vital to ensure reliable and responsible renters. A good property manager plays a crucial role in conducting thorough prospective tenants screening. Ask about their screening process, including credit checks, rental history, employment verification, and references. A thorough prospective tenants screening process reduces the risk of problematic tenants. Go further by asking how they screen prospective tenants and handle applicants with less-than-perfect backgrounds and what criteria they prioritise. Understanding their flexibility and judgement in prospective tenants selection can give you a clearer picture of the potential tenant pool and how they balance risk with occupancy.

Property Management Fees

5. What Are Your Fees and What Services Do They Cover?

Clarify the management fee and pricing structure and what services are included. Choosing the right property management company is crucial to ensure transparency and value for money. Typical fees can include a percentage of the monthly rent, leasing fees, and maintenance fees. Ensure there are no hidden costs and understand what you are paying for. Ask a property manager for a detailed breakdown of all fees and services, including any additional charges that might arise, such as fees for lease renewals, advertising, or handling legal matters. Knowing the full cost upfront helps avoid unpleasant surprises and allows you to budget accordingly.

How Do Your Property Managers Handle Maintenance and Repairs?

6. How Do Your Property Managers Handle Maintenance and Repairs?

Maintenance is a key aspect of property management. A dedicated property management team plays a crucial role in handling maintenance requests and ensuring quality workmanship for the rental property. Ask how property managers handle maintenance requests, their process for emergency repairs, and how they select and vet contractors. Timely and cost-effective maintenance keeps tenants happy and protects your rental properties. Enquire about their policy of the real estate agencies for obtaining quotes for significant repairs and how property managers ensure quality workmanship. Understanding their approach to preventative maintenance can also give you confidence that your property will remain in good condition over time, potentially saving you money on major repairs.

How Often Do You Conduct Routine Inspections?

7. How Often Do You Conduct Routine Inspections?

Routine inspections are crucial in maintaining the property’s condition and ensuring tenant compliance with lease terms. Ask your potential property managers how frequently routine inspections are conducted and what is included in these inspections. Find out if the property management company provides detailed inspection reports with photos and if they involve you in the inspection process. This transparency can help you feel more connected to the ongoing management of your property. Also, ask how a property manager addresses issues identified during inspections and ensure timely resolution.

8. How Do You Handle Tenant Complaints and Issues?

Property managers play a crucial role in ensuring tenant satisfaction and resolving conflicts. Effective conflict resolution is crucial for maintaining good tenant relationships. Enquire about their process for handling tenant complaints and issues. A property manager with good communication and problem-solving skills can prevent minor issues from escalating. Ask your prospective property manager for examples of how they have successfully resolved disputes in the past. Understanding their approach to mediation and their ability to maintain a positive tenant-manager relationship can indicate their effectiveness in this area.

9. What is Your Process for Lease Renewals and Rent Increases?

Understanding their approach to lease agreement renewals and rent increases is important for financial planning and higher rental yield. A quality property manager can manage these processes effectively, ensuring both tenant satisfaction and optimal rental income. Ask your property management company how they decide on rent increases and how they manage lease renewals to ensure tenant retention and market-aligned rents. Find out how far in advance they start the renewal process and their strategy for negotiating rent increases with tenants. Their ability to balance fair rent adjustments while maintaining high occupancy rates is a key indicator of their competency.

10. Can You Provide References from Current Clients to Prove You are a Good Property Manager?

A reputable property manager should be willing to provide references. A business development manager plays a crucial role in securing new clients and can also provide references from satisfied landlords. Speaking with current clients can give you insights into their reliability, communication, and overall satisfaction with the property manager’s services. Prepare specific questions to ask the references, such as their experience with tenant turnover, response times to issues, and overall value for money. Hearing firsthand experiences can provide you with a more nuanced understanding of what to expect. It’s great to look at their online reviews too.

11. What Property Management Software Do You Use?

Property management software can streamline rental property management by automating workflows and improving efficiency. Ask about the software and tools they use for tasks such as rent collection, maintenance tracking, and communication. Modern technology can improve efficiency and transparency. Enquire if they offer an online portal for landlords and tenants, enabling easy access to important information and simplifying communication. Additionally, ask about their use of data analytics to optimise property performance and rental income.

12. Are You Licensed and Insured?

Ensure the property manager is properly licensed and insured. This is critical for legal compliance and protecting yourself from potential liabilities. Verify their credentials and ask about any professional associations they belong to, such as the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ). Membership in professional organisations often indicates a commitment to industry standards and ongoing education. Also, check their insurance coverage, including professional indemnity and public liability, to ensure comprehensive protection.

13. How Do You Handle Evictions?

While no landlord wants to think about evictions, it’s important to know your property manager’s process should the need arise. Ask about their experience with evictions and how they handle the legal aspects. Knowing they have a clear, efficient, and legal process in place can provide peace of mind. Ensure they are well-versed in Queensland’s tenancy laws and can manage evictions in a manner that minimises stress and financial loss. Understanding their approach to handling disputes, securing legal representation if necessary, and communicating with tenants during this difficult process can indicate their professionalism and preparedness.

14. What Measures Do You Take to Ensure Compliance with Local and State Laws?

Property management is heavily regulated, and compliance with local and state laws is critical. Ask how they stay updated on legislation changes and what measures they take to ensure your property remains compliant. This might include regular training, consultations with legal experts, or membership in professional bodies that provide updates on law changes. Ensuring compliance not only protects you from legal issues but also enhances the property’s appeal to tenants. Moreover, enquire about their procedures for managing safety standards, building codes, and fair housing regulations. This comprehensive approach to legal compliance can safeguard your investment and reputation.

15. How Do You Manage Tenant Turnover?

Tenant turnover can be costly and time-consuming. Ask about their strategies for minimising turnover and their process for managing tenant transitions. Effective management of tenant turnover involves timely marketing of the property, quick yet thorough cleaning and repairs, and efficient processing of new tenants. Inquire about their average vacancy period and how they ensure a seamless transition between tenants to maximise occupancy and rental income. A good property manager will have strategies in place to keep turnover rates low and handle transitions smoothly.

16. What Value-Added Services Do You Offer?

Some property managers offer additional services that can enhance the value of your property. Ask about any value-added services they provide, such as assistance with property renovations, professional photography for listings, or financial planning advice. These services can improve your property’s appeal and marketability, attract higher-quality tenants, and potentially increase your rental yield. Understanding the full range of services available can help you choose a property manager who offers comprehensive support for your investment.


Choosing the right property manager is crucial for the success of your investment property in Brisbane. By asking these questions, you can assess the competence, reliability, and suitability of a property manager, ensuring your property is in good hands and your investment is well-managed. Taking the time to thoroughly vet your potential property manager can lead to a more profitable and stress-free property ownership experience.

Why Choose Calibre Real Estate, Brisbane, QLD?

Calibre Real Estate stands out in the Brisbane property market due to their extensive local knowledge, exceptional customer service, and commitment to achieving the best outcomes for their clients. Their property managers handle an optimal number of properties to ensure high-quality service and attention to detail. With years of experience managing a diverse portfolio of properties, they understand the nuances of the Brisbane rental market and can provide tailored advice to maximise your investment returns. Their proactive marketing strategies, thorough tenant screening processes, and transparent fee structures ensure your property is well-managed and tenanted with minimal vacancies. Calibre Real Estate also leverages advanced technology to streamline management tasks and maintain clear communication with both landlords and tenants. Licensed and insured, and with a strong reputation for professionalism and integrity, Calibre Real Estate is the trusted choice for property owners seeking reliable and effective property management in Brisbane. Request your free rental property appraisal now.

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Red Hill QLD 4059

07 3367 3411